Talent Swop Time!

keylime design talent swop

As a small design-led business owner, being part of a creative community is great. There's nothing better than getting together with likeminded friends; brainstorming ideas and learning new techniques from a multitude of different disciplines. Its an opportunity for each person to happily take advantage of the skills, technical know-how and creativity the others have to offer.

This week, I took part in a lovely exchange of talent between creative friends at my home.

Lisa Sheridan, of Lisa Sheridan Frocks, asked if she could use my home as a backdrop for a photography shoot along with the services of Lydia, my fledgling photographer daughter. Of course, I was happy to oblige especially as it meant I could have some product shots taken too and also have a chance to chat through ideas for new ranges for both our businesses. Lydia was delighted to have some work experience to add to her portfolio, if a little nervous about art-directing a model for the first time.

Lisa designs and makes beautiful vintage style daywear, occasion wear and bridal gowns and has been developing a brand new range of vintage style patterns in modern sizing so that her customers can make her designs up themselves at home. The photographs are to be used for marketing and packaging of these unique patterns which will soon to be available on her website www.lisasheridan.co.uk

We were lucky, it was a beautiful day and the sunlight flooding through the house meant the natural lighting was perfect. The services of a very talented model, vintage tea dance tracks on the sound system and copious amounts of tea and cake made the atmosphere complete!

The lovely vintage style pieces with accessories from the 50s and 60s and some more contemporary items, formed the look that Lisa was after - vintage with a contemporary twist - each outfit beautifully modelled by Alexandra Tincu. Alex is a talented film maker, writer and undercover pin-up girl from Bristol and her look captures the era perfectly. Find her on instagram @alexandratincu where you will see a link to her Vimeo page too.

A great deal of fun was had by all and everyone got something really worthwhile out of the day. Of course, not a penny exchanged hands, but and that's what talent swop is all about!


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